Appraisals of employees enables the organization to align employee actions and goals to be aligned to organization goals and usually forms the centre piece of the performance management system for any organization. Despite changes in the way appraisals are rated and evaluated, the core process of period performance review of performance objectives and indicators continues and is provided in this product area. Workflows for approvals can be configured depending on the reporting structure.

This area consists of the following modules:

Appraisal Definitions Define performance indicators, measures, ratings and questions that are needed for performance appraisals.
Appraisal Setup Appraisals can be set up for any number of periods and served to different employee groups. Appraisals can either be defined for Key Result Areas (KRA’s) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and ratings can be given. Weightages can also be assigned to the indicators that are more important. If required a set of questions can also be attached to the appraisal.
Appraisal Allocation Appraisals are then assigned to sets of employees and the approval routing for the assessment are also specified.
Appraisal Filling and Reporting Based on the configured appraisals, employees can fill the appraisal and give their self rating. Based on the routing, persons assessing the appraisal can fill their responses and ratings. When required force closure of the appraisal for specific employees can be done.
Appraisal Reporting HR will be able to view the ratings and results of the appraisals and also track its progress.